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More about Protoceratops
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Protoceratops was a plant-eating dinosaur with a bony neck frill. This ceratopsian dinosaur lived during the late Cretaceous period, roughly 86 to 71 million years ago. Protoceratops was probably a herding animal, like the other ceratopsians.

Anatomy: Protoceratops had a large head, a bulky body, a parrot-like beak, cheek teeth, and a small frill on its head. This ornithischian (bird-hipped) dinosaur was about 6 to 8.2 feet (1.5-2.5 m) long. Protoceratops was a quadruped (it walked on four legs).

Fossils and Name: Protoceratops means "first horn face." This dinosaur was named by Granger and Gregory in 1923. Fossilized skeletons and eggs have been found in China and Mongolia.

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