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What is your Favorite Dinosaur? (Favorite Dinosaurs from Mid Dec. 2000)

What is your favorite dinosaur and why?

THE TALLY (Favorite Dinosaurs from Dec. 2000): Click on underlined favorites for more information on that dinosaur.
Abelisaurus 2
Acanthopholis 1
Acrocanthosaurus 13
Adasaurus 2
Afrovenator 2
Alamosaurus 10
Albertosaurus (=Gorgosaurus) 14
Alectrosaurus 1
Altispinax 1
Alioramus 2
Allosaurus 107
Alvarezsaurus 2
Amargasaurus 4
Amphicoelias 2
Amygdalodon 1
Anatosaurus 4
Anatotitan 4
Anchiceratops 1
Anchisaurus 1
Ankylosaurus 147
Apatosaurus (= Brontosaurus, Long-neck) 367
Aragosaurus 1
Argentinosaurus 4
Austrosaurus 1
Avipes 1
Avipes 1
Azendohsaurus 1
Bactrosaurus 1
Bambiraptor 3
Barosaurus 8
Baryonyx 18
Becklespinax 1
Blikanasaurus 1
Brachiosaurus 192
Brachyceratops 1
Byronosaurus 1
Camarasaurus 2
Camptosaurus 3
Carcharodontosaurus 14
Carnotaurus 13
Cedarosaurus 1
Centrosaurus 1
Ceratosaurus 11
Chasmosaurus 8
Chilantaisaurus 1
Chirostenotes 2
Coelophysis 18
Coelurosaurs 1
Coelurus 2
Compsognathus 60
Corythosaurus 13
Cryolophosaurus 3
Daspletosaurus 1
Deinocherius 2
Deinonychus 81
Deltadromeus 3
Dicraeosaurus 1
Dilophosaurus 35
Diplodocus 95
Dromaeosaurus 6
Dryosaurus 2
Dryptosaurus 5
Duckbills (Hadrosaurs) 26
Edmontosaurus (=Anatosaurus) 6
Edmarka 1
Elaphrosaurus 1
Eoraptor 6
Epanterias 1
Eubrontes 1
Euhelopus 2
Euoplocephalus 7
Euoparkeria 1
Eustreptospondylus 4
Fabrosaurus 3
Gallimimus 21
Gasosaurus 2
Gastonia 2
Giganotosaurus 58
Gorgosaurus 2
Grallator 2
Gryposaurus 2
Hadrosaurus 3
Haplocanthosaurus 1
Herrerasaurus 5
Heterodontosaurus 3
Homalocephale 4
Hypacrosaurus 1
Hypselosaurus 2
Hypsilophodon 7
Iguanodon 56
Indosuchus 1
Irritator 4
Jaxartosaurus 1
Jobaria 6
Kakuru 2
Kentrosaurus 6
Koparion 3
Lambeosaurus 6
Leallynasaura 9
Lesothosaurus 2
Liliensternus 1
Lufengosaurus 1
Maiasaura 43
Majungatholus 2
Maleevosaurus 1
Massospondylus 1
Mamenchisaurus 3
Megaraptor 42
Metriacanthosaurus 2
Micropachycephalosaurus 2
Microceratops 2
Microcoelus 1
Microraptor 3
Microcrodontosaurus 1
Microvenator 3
Minmi 10
Monoclonius 2
Monolophosaurus = Jiangjunmiaosaurus 3
Mussaurus 2
Muttaburrasaurus 6
Mymoorapelta 1
Nanosaurus 1
Nanotyrannus 2
Nipponosaurus 1
Nodosaurus 1
Notoceratops 3
Nqwebasaurus 1
Opisthocoelicaudia 1
Ornithocheirus 2
Ornitholestes 4
Ornithomimus 16
Orodromeus 1
Othnielia 1
Ouranosaurus 8
Oviraptor 21
Ozraptor 2
Pachycephalosaurus 38
Pachyrhinosaurus 8
Pelecanimimus 1
Palaeoscincus 3
Parasaurolophus 79
Parrosaurus 1
Pentaceratops 8
Piatnitzkysaurus 1
Plateosaurus 10
Pleurocoelus 1
Poekilopleuron 1
Polacanthus 4
Polyonyax 1
Procompsognathus 2
Protoavis 2
Protoceratops 32
Psittacosaurus 4
"raptors" (=Dromaeosaurids=Deinonychosaurs) 161
Rhoetosaurus 1
Rileyasuchus 1
Rioarribasaurus 1
Riojasaurus 1
Saltasaurus 5
Sauroposeidon 2
Seismosaurus 11
Shunosaurus 3
Sinornithosaurus 13
Spinosaurus 21
Staurikosaurus 2
Stegoceras 2
Stegosaurus 327
Stenonychosaurus 1
Struthiomimus 3
Stygimoloch 3
Styracosaurus 17
Suchomimus 6
Supersaurus 24
Tanius 1
Tarbosaurus 5
Tenontosaurus 1
Therizinosaurus 4
Thescelosaurus 1
Titanosaurus 1
Torosaurus 7
Torvosaurus 1
Trachodon 12
Triceratops 566
Troödon (=Stenonychosaurus) 51
Tsintaosaurus 2
Tuojiangosaurus 1
Tyrannosaurus rex 3,217
Ultrasauros 23
Unenlagia 2
Utahraptor 114
Variraptor 4
Velociraptor 538
Vulcanodon 1
Wannanosaurus 1
Wuerhosaurus 2
Xenotarsosaurus 1
Yandusaurus 1
Yangchuanosaurus 5
Zanclodon 3
Zapsalis 1
Zatomus 1
Zephyrosaurus 2
Zuniceratops 2
Zigongosaurus 3

from ?, age ?, ?, ?, ?; December 21, 2000

Trex mano
from Trex, age ?, ?, ?, ?; December 21, 2000

t.rex rulesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
from trex, age ?, ?, ?, ?; December 21, 2000

rex, big, fast and smart
from ?, age ?, ?, ?, ?; December 21, 2000

Bambiraptor rulezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from Bambi, age ?, ?, ?, ?; December 21, 2000

from ?, age ?, ?, ?, ?; December 21, 2000

from micro, age ?, ?, ?, ?; December 21, 2000

Compy mano man
from Compy, age ?, ?, ?, ?; December 21, 2000

Compy mano
from Campy, age ?, ?, ?, ?; December 21, 2000

from Speedy, age ?, ?, ?, ?; December 21, 2000

Velociraptors rule! I am a Velociraptor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from Vel, age ?, ?, ?, ?; December 21, 2000

from Brach, age ?, ?, ?, ?; December 21, 2000

T-rex of course
from Tyranno, age ?, ?, ?, ?; December 21, 2000

Lennylasaura because She takes kare of her youn.
from Margaret d., age 8, Naperville, IL., U.S.A.; December 21, 2000

My favorite is not a dinosaur, but a flying reptile. Its name is the DIMORPHODON! It is my favorite because its not a dinosaur and because It can fly AND is very Cute!


Emma S.
from Emma S., age 10, Rochester, New York, U.S.; December 21, 2000

The maiasaura because she is a good mother lizird.
from Margaret c. D., age 8, Naperville, Illinois, U.S.A; December 21, 2000

TyRaNnOsAuRuS rEx
from mESON bOMB, age ?, ?, ?, ?; December 21, 2000

Dino Warz


Now, this is not the first episode of the third season of Dino Warz, but I felt I had to defend my stories from corruption by people who do not agree with them. So I had to call Sue back, who was understandably annoyed by this simplistic and ridiculous story. So, Dino Warz was a direct hit…this is the Counterstrike.

Well THIS is a surprise! Two dinosaur deathmatch shows in one year! Before we start,we would like to inform you of something, DINO WARZ IS RIGGED! That's right, and to prove that,we'll show you two NEVER BEFORE SEEN backstage clips caught by security cameras!
(Light flickers on screen, images turn black and white). Now here is our first clip: (Shows Sue and a few other T-rexes taking steroids) Sue:Well we beat those (BEEEEEP) raptors again! Others:Yeah,for the fifteenth time today. Well, we think you know how they benefit themselves,how about how they benefit their challingers!
(Same things happen). We'll get you for this! (voice comes from cage):"Whuff id you say? I think I didn't catch that."(voice comes from Sue,who is feasting on triceratops meat in front of the starved raptors).
It must be clear to you now that Dino Wartz is unfair,so on with the show. Here is our champion,Razorclaw! Razorclaw:Hi! As you might know,I'm a utahraptor,and I'm going to do a lot on this show. I 'm going to fight anyone who challenges me. Troodon security gaurd:Uh oh! it's that T-rex that you fought that one time,and he's coming to get you,Razorclaw! Razorclaw:He probably wants to kindly maul me for that little arm amputation I gave him.
T-rex:Pretty good Razorclaw,but that was easy. I want to destroy you in the ring, live on national TV, to prove that tyrannosaurus is the best dinosaur of all!
It's time for the big fight folks! Razorclaw vs. T-rex!
Razorclaw:Let's get it on! T-rex:Fine with me!
(Bell rings) WHAP! (Razorclaw gets hit by a vicous tail swipe!)Razorclaw is dazed but okay! Razorclaw:Hard,but not hard enough! SLASH! (Razorclaw dodges another tail swipe)T-rex:Give up yet? Razorclaw:No way! (After this, the fight is a blur)
SLAM!!!!!!!(There is a reverberating crash as T-rex is knocked off his feet) Razorclaw:This will be the last thing that you see! SLASH! (Razorclaw beheads T-rex) Referee (Who has been out of the ring since the fight started):Razorclaw is the winner,and in only one round!
Well that about wraps it up for this D.W.F. episode. Make sure you don't miss the next one!


Director: Cut!
Razorclaw: Well? How was it?
Director: Not too bad, but we have to try it one more time. The computer generated rex you're fighting is not realistic enough.
Razorclaw: (Scratching head) But why? This must be the 100 th time we're doing this.
Director: Look, if you want to discredit Billy Macdraw and Sue and gang, we have to be convincing. If its badly done, people will think that D.W.F is a ridiculous and cheap attempt by me to denounce Dino Warz and launch the raptors to be more popular than T.Rex.
Razorclaw: But isn't it?
Director: Could you avoid asking such questions? I have no time for such abstract arguments like this.
Cameraman: Are you going to pay me yet?
Director: (Hands him 25cents) Well, here's a quarter.
Cameraman: What!? I work for 10 hours and you give me a quarter? What rubbish is this?
Director: Look, I am only a 10 year old kid, when the raptors are popular and T.Rex is gone, I'll be rich from companies asking for me to film more anti-Dino Warz shows. Then I can pay you.
Cameraman: But…I want my money NOW!
Razorclaw: ROAR! Take the money or be killed!
Cameraman: Okay! Okay! (Muttering) @$#%@
Director: Now, if we could film it one more time…

(But before anybody can move, the doors of the studio come crashing down with incredible force, crushing a Velociraptor under it. As the smoke clears, three gigantic Tyrannosaurus stands in the doorway.)

Sue: We're back!
Suzie: Yeah! Let's kick the butts of these cheap imitators!
Bill: Yeah! Clear my name and show that D.W.F is rigged, not Dino Warz!
Sue-Imperator: We'll do that right now Bill.
Director: This is a disaster! Kill them Razorclaw!…Razorclaw?(Turns around and notices he is gone) Where the hell are you?
Razorclaw: (Hiding behind a toilet bowl) Don't ask me! I am only an actor, I donno nothing about fighting dinosaur deathmatches!
Sue: Ha! You are defeated! Surrender and the law will take care of you for copyright infringements!
Director: Defeated? The word "defeated" is not in the vocabulary of us raptor fans!
Razorclaw: How about Mommy?
Director, Razorclaw: Mommieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Bill: I'm afraid your mother can't save you. In fact, she led us to you!
Director: This can't be! It's not possible!
Bill: Well, she wouldn't have done so if you hadn't skipped school to do all this rubbish. In fact, she told us to "fix" you up!
Sue: Don't worry, I'll discipline you like I discipline Tinker.
Director: (Backing off) Don't come near me! Security!

(Another door opens and two packs of Velociraptors and Utahraptors start pouring in, surrounding Razorclaw and the director, hissing and snapping at the Tyrannosaurus)

Sue: They have backup!
Sue-Imperator: Is this a bad thing?
Sue: Bad? Hell no! Let's KICK THEIR ARSES!

(Whooping, the Tyrannosaurus charge the raptors. A furious battle erupts.)

Sue: Roar! (Snaps a Velociraptor into half with a powerful bite. Entrails and blood sprays everywhere) haven't done this for a long time! Darn! It feels good!
Suzie: Roar! (Grabs a Utahraptor by the leg and starts shaking him. The leg comes off and the Utahraptor flies off away from its severed limb, smashing with a sickening thud into the far wall.)
Sue-Imperator: Get off my sister! (Removes a Utahraptor, kicking and screaming from Sue, Bites into him, turning his upper torso to mush. The other half falls to the ground where it stands for a while, before falling over.)
Bill: Cool. (Dodges a flying severed Utahraptor head)
Sue: That's right! (Crushes a Utahraptor underfoot) Nobody speaks falsely about me and gets away with it!
Suzie: Me too! (Chomps down on a Velociraptor and shakes it to bits)

(The raptors are simply no match for the trio, they start to die by the truckloads.)

Director: This is a disaster! They're dropping like flies!
Razorclaw: This is your entire fault!
Director: What do you mean?
Razorclaw: If you hadn't made up that story about me cutting off a T.Rex limb or filmed stupid nonsensical DWF fan fics dissing Sue, we would not be here now!
Director: What do you mean? That story was immensely popular, like my other stories!
Razorclaw: Are you kidding? All your productions got lousy reviews! You are a certified loser! I should never have worked for you! You hear me? I quit! I quit!
Director: Why you no good cheating f@%& raptor….
Razorclaw: Hey! Cut all the vulgarities! This is a webpage for the kids by the way!
Director: Shut up! (Looks around) Un Oh…

(In front of him, mangled raptors and parts of raptors lay strewn all over the place. Hundreds of meters of pale intestine lay around like limp snakes. Among them, three Tyrannosaurus stand, victorious)

Director: They killed all of our security raptors!
Razorclaw: Why did you hire such useless bums?
Director: Well, at least they were MORE competent than you!
Razorclaw: What!
Sue: Shut up! ROARRRRR! (Both of them shut up)
Suzie: Now, we're going to teach you a little lesson about why you shouldn't mess with Billy Macdraw's Dino Warz… (Steps toward them)
Director/Razorclaw: Mommieeeeeeeeeeeeee! (RUMBLE! Dust and plaster starts to fall from the ceiling)
Sue-Imperator: What's that noise?

(But before anybody could do anything, large cracks start to appear on the floor. Pieces of roof start to rain down in the studio. There is dust everywhere. Suddenly, the floor caves in and swallows everybody)

Ten minutes later…

Sue: Cough! What happened?
Bill: Is everybody okay?
Suzie: I'm fine.
Sue-Imperator: I'm okay.
Bill: The stress from the earlier battle must have caused the building to collapse. We are currently trapped underground in some kind of basement. Look, this place is virtually intact.

(A pile of rubble starts to stir in front of them. A very bruised Director and Razorclaw emerges, stumbling weakly)

Director: It's your entire fault Tyrannosaurs!
Razorclaw: Yeah man! It's your entire fault!
Sue: What'da ya mean? Who was the one, who picked shabby sub grade buildings as a studio?
Razorclaw: Well…(Points to director), he picked the building.
Director: I don't believe it! All of you are ganging up on me!
Sue: No we're not! It's your fault and you know it!
Director: Razorclaw! Tell those stupid T.Rexes it's their fault!
Razorclaw: No I won't, it's YOUR fault!
Director: What? Okay, then it's YOUR fault!
Razorclaw: Don't pull an innocent Utahraptor like me into this, it's your fault!
Sue: Guys, you are behaving like children!
Director: Am not! He started it first!
Razorclaw: Did not!
Director: Did too!
Razorclaw: Did not!
Director: Did too!
Razorclaw: Did not!
Director: Did too!
Razorclaw: Did not!
Director: Did too!
Razorclaw: Did not!
Director: Did too!
Razorclaw: Didnotdidnotdidnotdidnotdidnotdidnotdidnotdidnotdidnotdidnot
Director: Didtoodidtoodidtoodidtoodidtoodidtoodidtoodidtoodidtoodidtoo
Razorclaw: Didnotdidnotdidnotdidnotdidnotdidnotdidnotdidnotdidnotdidnot times infinity!
Director: Didtoodidtoodidtoodidtoodidtoodidtoodidtoodidtoodidtoodidtoo times double infinity!
Sue: Sigh…I can't believe this.
Razorclaw: Ha ha! There's no such thing as double infinity!
Director: (Bursts into tears and sticks his fingers into his ears, singing) I cannot hear you! I cannot hear you!
Sue: SHUT UP! (Both of them shut up)
Razorclaw: So, what are you going to do to us?
Sue: Nothing, we all need to survive and get out of here in on piece, including you.
Razorclaw: Any why is that?
Sue: Because, we need your butt in one piece TO KICK IT! YEAH!
Razorclaw: Comforting thought…
Bill: Let's look around, maybe we can find a way out of here. Don't follow us you copyright defamers!

(The three Tyrannosauruses and one guy leave the Director and Razorclaw behind, walking off into the gloomy interiors of the partially collapsed basement)

Five minutes later…

Bill: Look! Over there! (Points towards a room, they enter it, and discover the room is well lit, and filled with huge metal boxes. A holographic female face stands in the center of the room on top of a projector table.)
Sue: Where are we, in an old set of Star Trek?
Suzie: I think so.
Computer: Welcome, I'm Cass, a powerful mainframe that predicts the future with one hundred percent in accuracy. And by the way, bless you.
Sue-Imperator: Huh? Why do you say that Ca-harrr harrr WaCHOO! (Sneezes)
Cass: Truly remarkable.
Sue: Truly remarkable.
Cass: I have seen the future and have already known the outcome of this conversation. That's why I know what you are about to say. And your friend Bill has a theory to share.
Bill: I have a theory to sh-sha-shar- precisely, this computer was abandoned here deep underground by the government after they made it, fearing that the wrong use of Cass will have disastrous consequences for mankind.
Suzie: That was brilliant! How did you have all that figured out?
Bill: (Hands her a piece of paper) Well, I read the mission directive.
Sue: Okay Cass, so what happens next?
Cass: Well, Macdraw will die in precisely two hours of a heart attack.
Bill: What! It can't be!
Cass: I'm afraid it is. I have seen the future and have known that this will happen.
Sue: Let's get out of here. (Leads the rest of the group out of the room)

Some time later, time to Macdraw heart attack, one hour and twenty-nine minutes…

Bill: I can't believe that I'm going to die!
Suzie: Don't believe that machine. You can't die of a heart attack.
Bill: But Cass predicted everything correctly…wait…maybe there is a solution!
Sue-Imperator: What do you mean? I thought you stated we couldn't change the future.
Sue: Hold it Sue-Imperator. You see you, like the raptors are overly intelligent for a dinosaur. That's a good thing, but that also locks you up in eternal pessimism. Bill on the other hand, his simple mind is eternally optimistic due to the lack of information in it. This opens up his mind to new thoughts and ideas.
Suzie: So… you're saying if I don't know that I don't know enough, it actually makes me smarter?
Sue: Precisely, come on Bill! You can find a way out of this! Use your simple mindedness and idiotic nature! Use your empty headedness and moronity! Harness the power of your lowly intellect and undernourished mind!
Bill: Watch it… you are being slightly insulting here.
Sue-Imperator: But how about dumb dinosaurs like Velociraptor and Gallimimus and Stegosaurus? Doesn't that make them smarter too?
Sue: Oh, they are exceptions.
Bill: I got it!
Suzie: What?
Bill: It's Cass! She doesn't know the future, she just sees pictures of it! She could have seen another Macdraw die! Notice she referred to me first as Bill, and later as Macdraw? Why didn't she say that Bill will die of a heart attack? I'll bet she saw another Macdraw die!
Sue-Imperator: But there is no other Macdraw…
Bill: (Pointing to "Macdraw" stenciled on the breast pocket of his bush jacket) Then we have to make one.

Some time later, time to Macdraw heart attack, five minutes…

Bill: Here director Joe, want some coffee? Whoops! (Spills coffee on the Director)
Director: Damn you! Now I'm all wet!
Bill: Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry! Here, have my jacket! (Takes off both his own and the Director's bush jacket) Here, I'll wear yours and you'll wear my…there, a perfect fit!
Director: What do you mean? I'm only ten years old! This jacket is too big for me!
Bill: (Forces jacket onto the Director) Oh, just wear it.
Director: Okay okay. (Wears jacket)
Bill: Here, to make it up to you, I'll take you to this mainframe I discovered that can predict the future, okay?
Director: This better be good…

Some time later, time to Macdraw heart attack, two minutes…

Bill: (Pulling the Director into the room) Cass? Cass?
Cass: I am here Bill.
Bill: Well Cass, do you know who this is?
Cass: Yes, this is Macdraw.
Director: (Assuming Cass was referring to Bill) Well, I'm aware of your ability to predict the future.
Cass: That's correct, I'm Cass, a powerful mainframe that predicts the future with one hundred percent in accuracy.
Bill: That's nice, can you predict his future for him? (Points at the Director)
Cass: Well, Macdraw will die of a heart attack in four seconds after receiving news that he is about to die of a heart attack.
Director: What? But my name is not Ma- GAKK! CHOKE! PANT! GASP! WEEZE! (Sinks slowly to the floor, grasping his chest)
Cass: Just as it has been predicted, so shall it come true.
Director: (Last few breaths, voice really distorted and faint) Gasp…but…my…name…is…Joe…Bob…Pant
Cass: What did he say?
Bill: Joe MACDRAW said something like his name is Joe not something…
Director: No…my…name…is…Bob…Bob…Bob…
Bill: What Joe Macdraw? Your name is not not not what?
Cass: It sounded like "Bob"?
Bill: He can't really speak well now. He is actually saying "Not", not "Bob".
Director: No…Bob…Bob…
Bill: Not not what?
Director: Bob…bob…Gakk (Dies)
Bill: Is he dead?
Cass: Indeed, he is really dead…
Bill: YES!
Cass: …of a heart attack…
Bill: YES! YES!
Cass: ...just as I predicted…
Bill: YES! YES! YES!
Cass: You seem inordinately happy for such an occasion.
Bill: (Suddenly sobering up) No I'm not... this is really sad…so Cass, what happens next, how do we get out of here?
Cass: Well, all the dinosaurs will get out of here except you, you will die.
Bill: What?! I thought Macdraw just died?
Cass: No that was Macdraw, not you. You will die, I have seen it.
Bill: Well, have you seen this? (Shows Cass middle finger and storms out of the room)
Cass: Sigh…as a matter of fact, I have.

Ten minutes later…

Sue: What! She said you are still going to die?
Bill: That's correct, I'm never going to get out of here alive.
Suzie: But wait, she also said that we would all get out of here alive, right?
Bill: Well, I'm happy for you.
Suzie: No! You don't get it do you? (Takes a wooden plank in her mouth and bashes Sue-Imperator over the head with it)
Sue-Imperator: Ouch! You moron, what did you do that for?
Suzie: Cass said we would get out of here alive, so it we can't die in here, no matter what we do!
Sue-Imperator: Yes, but that still hurt you moron!
Suzie: So why don't all of us surround you and escort you out of here. We can't die, so you'll be well protected by us!
Sue: Let's do it!

Two minutes later…

(The three Tyrannosauruses surround Bill and slowly inch their way to the emergency exit. However, debris start to fall in front of them and onto them, battering them on the way.)

Sue: Ouch! Ouch! This is too much! Retreat!
Suzie: But we can't die!
Sue: Maybe the reason we didn't die is because we avoided all this debris.

(All three Tyrannosaurus pause to look at each other for a moment)

Sue-Imperator: RETREAT! (Picks up Bill, all of them run back to safety)

Five minutes later…

Cass: Trying to cheat the future, not too smart are you?
Sue: Shut up you cyber fortune-teller, what you say will not come true.
Bill: What do you mean.
Sue: It's simple. Remember this? Cass, play the video clip of you saying that Bill has a theory to share.
Cass: I already have it prepared.

Cass: Truly remarkable.
Sue: Truly remarkable.
Cass: I have seen the future and have already known the outcome of this conversation. That's why I know what you are about to say. And your friend Bill has a theory to share.
Bill: I have a theory t-t-to precisely, this computer was abandoned here deep underground by the government after they made it, fearing that the wrong use of Cass will have disastrous consequences for mankind.
Suzie: That was brilliant! How did you have all that fig-

Sue: Stop there! Notice that Cass predicts that Bill is gonna say that he has a theory to share, but in reality, he never really completes the statement. So it never really happened. How come? I thought she said she could predict with one hundred percent accuracy?
Cass: That…that…well, he was about to say it.
Sue: But he didn't! You know, I have been thinking Cass, and I don't want to believe you. I have it all figured out. I don't want to believe in fate, where we are all actors in a stage speaking to prewritten scripts. You know Cass? I don't want to believe that.
Cass: But I have seen it, it will come true.
Sue: You know, have you ever wondered what if you told me the next thing I am going to say, and I decided to say something else instead, can that happen?
Cass: Well…
Sue: Of course it can! Well are all born with our own free will, Cass, you may be able to see into the future, but you are a machine, you do not have true free will. We have, we decide our fates. Tomorrow is a story in a new page of a book that has not been written yet.
Cass: But…
Sue: I don't think you will understand, because you are a machine. Now Cass, if you can predict the future, tell me what I'm going to say next.
Cass: Well…I can't see that part clearly…are you going to say "See Cass, you are wrong."?
Sue: No, I simply decide not to follow the future as I control it. Cass, you cannot predict what I am going to say, I have my free will, and I decide not to follow the future. You are wrong Cass!
Cass: No! I predict the future with 100 percent accuracy!
Sue: Then tell me what just happened? I didn't speak what you predicted…
Cass: (Voice metallic and distorted) Overload…system failure…Overload…illegal function…

(The ground starts to rumble and sparks fly out of the control panel. Cass's face wavers and disappears as the projection table explodes. The whole room is on fire.)

Sue: Let's get out of here! Cass is wrong! The future is ours to decide!
Bill: What do you mean?
Sue: I mean all of us have as high a chance of dying as you! We have just changed the future bny using our own free will to break it!
Suzie: Lets go!

(Smoke fills the entire place as it starts to collapse. But the Tyrannosauruses and Bill manage to get out just before it collapses again. As they look back form outside, the entire building sinks into the basement in a cloud of gray dust.)

Bill: I made it, I'm alive!
Suzie: So Cass is wrong!
Sue: She is. She always was. She never understood free will. To her, we're all machines created by a random evolutionary process that have no free will. Well, she's wrong.
Sue-Imperator: That's good. But where's Razorclaw?

(A pile of debris starts to move in front of them. Razorclaw stands up, shaken and bruised.)

Razorclaw: Phew! I made it out alive! I thought I would die! I am now going to treasure every moment of life and live it too the fullest!
Bill: Well, you should have done that earlier.
Razorclaw: What so you mean?
Bill: Under section 17, article 43, any dinosaur found to be associated with a dinosaur deathmatch organization that deliberately defames the original Dino Warz will be terminated.
Sue: I am so with that rule.
Suzie: You know, I kinda worked up an appetite running from that place, a Utahraptor would do just fine.
Sue: Me too.
Sue-Imperator: Me three.
Sue: Let's get him! (Charges, using the terrifying turn of speed that all Tyrannosaurus have)
Razorclaw: Argh! Nooooo! Get away from me! (Screams as Sue clamps down on his back and lifts him into the air kicking and screeching)
Suzie: Share him! We sisters must share their prey! (Clamps onto his head and neck)
Sue-Imperator: Me too! (Clamps onto his kicking legs and immobilizes them.)

(For a tense moment, the three Tyrannosaurus sisters stay like that, snout to snout. Then they suddenly jerk their head away in opposite directions. A terrible rip and snapping is heard as Razorclaw was bodily torn into three sections. A terrible screech fills the air. Blood splattered freely onto the ground in large drops. For a long while, there is a loud crunching of bones as the Tyrannosaurus sisters finish off their defamer)

Sue: That was nice. (Licks her daggers)
Suzie: Utaraptor head, a delicacy. (Smacks her scaly lips)
Sue-Imperator: Burpp..
Bill: Well, I think this ends it. If there's one thing I can be sure about the future, it's that Sue, Suzie and Sue-Imperator will probably reign long into the foreseeable future. Thank you, and have a nice day.
Sue: Oh yes, and one more thing Bill, I was just kidding when I said you were stupid and dumb just now.

The end

T.Rex is my favourite, all there's to it.
from Billy Macdraw, age 18, ?, ?, ?; December 20, 2000

My favorite dinosaur is the stegasauras because of spiky back

from junie, age 6, omaha, nebraska, usa; December 20, 2000

from ?, age ?, ?, ?, ?; December 20, 2000

My favorite dinosaur is the ones that swim in water because I love to see the oceans
from Shirley C, age 9, New York, ?, ?; December 20, 2000

Liopleurodon'S my fav. KING i say again KING of the sea. tea-tex sounds like a sissy!
from Thor, age 29, Lorain, ?, ?; December 20, 2000

from @, age ?, ?, ?, ?; December 20, 2000

huh? i thought trex was a coelurosaurs? Anyway trex rulezzzzzz
from ?, age ?, ?, ?, ?; December 20, 2000

from Aaron G., age 8, CAMP VERDE, AZ., US.; December 19, 2000

T-Rex.It is big and fast.
from Patrick Q., age 7, St. Louis, MO, USA; December 19, 2000

my favorite dinosaur is t-rex, because he has 2 claws and sharp teeth.
from Nicolas S., age 4, hanford, california, usa; December 19, 2000

My favorite dino is t.rex because he was the biggest carnivore and he was a giant
from ANDREW G, age ?, ?, ?, ?; December 19, 2000

from AKHIL S, age 8, WESTMONT, ILLINOIS, U S A; December 18, 2000

My favourite dinosaur is the T-rex,because it was the killer all the

from Erin H, age 6, Ayr, Ontario, Canada; December 17, 2000

my favorite dinosaur is coelurosaurs because he can kill t-rex any day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from ?, age 16, st.louis, missori, U.S.A.; December 17, 2000

from @, age ?, legend, ?, ?; December 17, 2000

I like Brachiosaurus because it is so big.
from courtney p, age 5, boston, massachusetts, usa; December 16, 2000

from Joe M., age 8, Downingtown, PA, USA; December 16, 2000

I like T-Rex because he is very cool and i think better than the other dinos.
from Joelle K., age 14, Rome, New York, USA; December 16, 2000

I like the Velociraptor.Sorry Martin but I can't write to you any more because my computer is broken now I am using my friends computer at his house.Whis you and other RAPTOR fans GOOD LUCK.Have a marry Christmas and have a happy new year.Even to the t-rex freeks.VELOCIRAPTOR RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from Paul, age 10, ?, ?, ?; December 16, 2000

my favourite dinosour is barney because he uses his imagination
from james b3, age 3, wellington, ?, new zealand; December 15, 2000

T-Rex.He is the king of dinosaurs.
from stephen, age 7, new city, NY, USA; December 15, 2000

T-rex, he is sooooo cooool looking and his abalities to kill dinos are awesome!!!
from Alyssa Ca, age 10, West Palm Beach, Florida, North America; December 15, 2000

Tyrannosaurus Imperator-Biggest carnivorous dinosaur
from BBD, age ?, ?, ?, ?; December 15, 2000

Polacanthus and Sachaina rule because they are so armored nothing can beat them!
from russell p, age ?, seattle, wa, usa; December 14, 2000

triceratops. A placid dinosaur that gave T.rex a hard time when meeting face to face.
from willard b., age 23, hyannis, MA., USA; December 14, 2000

T-Rex. He is strong.
from Stacie M. and Chrissy H., age 9, Sioux City, I.A., United States; December 14, 2000

triceptops because his horns are sharp
from matthew c, age 6, london, ?, england; December 14, 2000

t rex because he is fearce and nasty
from matthew c, age 6, l, ?, england; December 14, 2000

t rex because he is fearce and nasty
from nicky c, age 5, london, ?, england; December 14, 2000

Velcoiraptor Because they are really cool,smart,and intellagent!
from Ashley S., age 10, San Diego,CA, CA, North America; December 13, 2000

My favorite dinosaure is Tyranosaurus, Tyrant lizard.
I love meat eaters, T-rex was the biggeste canrvor in the cretaceous period, and the last monster of it kind to rule on earth.

from Dane R, age 8, Oxnard, CA., U.S.A; December 13, 2000

Giagantasaurus-Biggest meat eater, probobly can deafeat bourontosaurus
from Zachary S., age 10, Harrisonburg, VA, USA; December 13, 2000


Cause The Rock Said So Jabroni!!
from The Rock S., age 39, Miami, Florida, USA; December 13, 2000

My favorite dinosaur is the T-Rex because it's a meat eater.
from Jeff B., age 7, Grayling, Michigan, U.S.A.; December 13, 2000

Plesiasaurus. Because it swims in the water
from JM, age 5, Fergus, Ont, Canada; December 13, 2000

from 1, age 9, 6, 7, 8; December 13, 2000

Tiranosuras Rex
from ?, age ?, ?, ?, xs; December 12, 2000

Triceratops- Because he is a cute and intresting animal
from Liz, age ?, ?, USA, ?; December 12, 2000

Oh stegosaurus oh stegosaurus it is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fatial(better than a t-rex)i recomend stegosaurus.
from Austin V, age seaven, Lewis Center, OH, United States; December 12, 2000

velociraptor- cool name!
from diana r, age 12, west chester, pa, us; December 12, 2000

Teradactyl, because they can fly
from Melissa B., age 20, West Chester, PA, USA; December 12, 2000

he is gorgeous!

from laura, age 12, west chester, PA, USA; December 12, 2000

Triceritops is the best ever, and he could beat up the t-rex
from bill f, age 21, west chester, pa, usa; December 12, 2000

Duckbill, because I like ducks, they are so cute. Their bills are so funny looking that every time I look at them I want to laugh outloud. I like them so much I just want to give them a huge hug and a big sloppy kiss RIGHT ON THEIR BILL!!!!!!
from Joel B., age 10, West Chester, PA, United States; December 12, 2000

from erin b, age 9, ?, PA, USA; December 12, 2000

I like Triceratops because it is a cool name.
from Rachel Y., age 20, West Chester, PA, United States; December 12, 2000

brontosaurus rex -- they were ferocious
from hawkeye, age 41, west chester, pa, usa; December 12, 2000

from Jessie M., age 20, West Chester, PA, USA; December 12, 2000

Tyrannasaurus-is the coolest of Dinosaurus he's big he'strong and his heavy to you don't want to misse with him or he'll swollow you hole.
from Matt.R, age 12, ?, ONT, Canada; December 12, 2000

My favourite dino is T-rex because it was a ferocious meat-eater.
from Joe S., age 10, Newcastle, ?, England; December 12, 2000

rex t
from ?, age ?, ?, ?, ?; December 12, 2000

from Insanic, age ?, ?, ?, ?; December 11, 2000

I think you people have a warped view of the raptors, it probally wants you to leave it alone and let it be doing the things God intended. So if the raptors could speak they'll tell you....

Leave Me Alone

I'm alone, hiding in the dark
I'm looking for a life
To come and rescue me
I sleep, I rise
Hear your denies
Endlessly inside
It's crazy but

(sometimes I feel like)
I wanna' to run away
(sometimes I feel like)
I've gotta' get away
(One day you will see)
Another side of me
(My life I command)
It's not the way that you planned

Leave me alone (leave me alone)
Leave me alone
Out on my own (out on my own)
Leave me alone

What do you want from me
Do you dream of a life
Your life through me
Myself, my time
In one we unite
I don't ever want to be
That raptor you want it to be

(Sometimes I feel like)
I wanna' to run away
(Sometimes I feel like)
I've gotta' get away
(One day you will see)
Another side of me
(My life I command)
It's not the way that you planned

Leave me alone (leave me alone)
Leave me alone
Out on my own (out on my own)
Leave me alone, yeah.....

(One day you will see)
Another side of me
My life I command
It's not the way
It's not the way that you planned

Leave me alone (leave me alone)
Leave me alone
Out on my own (out on my own)
Leave me alone
Leave me alone (leave me alone)
Leave me alone
Out on my own (out on my own)
Leave me alone
Leave me alone (leave me alone)
Leave me alone
Out on my own (out on my own)
Leave me alone

My point is, at least we don't push T.rex and make him do things he would not have done. You raptor fans only know how to make the raptors do things they were not intended to.
from Honkie Tong, age 16, ?, ?, ?; December 11, 2000

from ?, age ?, ?, ?, ?; December 11, 2000

The Deinonychus were among the most intelligent dinosaurs, and one of the most ferocious. Both traits demanded behavioral control. Millions of years ago, in the now vanished Cretaceous world, their behavior would have been socially determined, passed on from younger to older animals. Genes controlled the capacity to make such patters, but not the patterns themselves. Adaptive behavior was a kind of morality; it was behavior that had evolved over many generations because it was shown to succeed- behavior that allowed members of the species to cooperate, to live together, to hunt, to raise young.

But on this island, the Deinonychus had been re-created in a genetics laboratory. Although their physical bodies were genetically determined, their behavior was not. These newly created raptors came into the world with no older animals to guide them, to show them proper raptor behavior. They were on their own, and that was just how the behaved- in a society without structure, without rules, without cooperation. They lived in an uncontrolled, every-creature-for-himself world where the meanest and nastiest survived, and all the other died.

Zoo animals frequently could not care for their offspring, because they had never seen it been done. They would ignore their infants, or roll over and crush them, or simply become annoyed with them and kill them. Like the all animals raised in isolation, the Deinonychus were not fully functional.

That's WHY T.REX IS BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from ?, age ?, ?, ?, ?; December 11, 2000

anatosaurus, gryposaurus, and parasaurolophus are tied because they are so cool!!!!!!
from russell p, age ***, seattle, wa, usa; December 11, 2000

t.rex is our favourite dinosaur from class 4D!
from Class 4D, age 14-15, ?, ?, ?; December 11, 2000

t.rex is our favourite dinosaur
from ?, age ?, ?, ?, ?; December 11, 2000

t.rex is our favourite
from ?, age ?, ?, ?, ?; December 11, 2000

t.rex is our
from ?, age ?, ?, ?, ?; December 11, 2000

t.rex is
from ?, age ?, ?, ?, ?; December 11, 2000

from ?, age ?, ?, ?, ?; December 11, 2000

trex, ...! get out of town!
from ?, age ?, ?, ?, ?; December 11, 2000

Well, ..., so you think the raptors are better, well, in your..............


Now here you go again, you say you want your wrong way
Well who am I to keep you down
It's only right that you should speak the way you feel it
But listen carefully to the sound
Of your loneliness

Like a heartbeat drives you mad
In the stillness of remembering what you had
And what you lost

Yeah, thunder only happens when it's raining
Players only love you when they're playing
Yeah, raptors they will come and they will go
T.rex will be the best and you'll know, you'll know...

Now here I go again, I see the crystal visions
I keep my visions to myself
Well It's nobody that wants to wrap around your dreams and
Have you any dreams you'd like to sell
Dreams of loneliness

Like a heartbeat drives you mad
In the stillness of remembering what you had
(Drives you mad,) and what you lost, (remember what you had)

Thunder only happens when it's raining
(Thunder only happens when it's...)
Players only love you when they're playing
(Players only love you when they're...)
Yeah, raptors they will come and they will go, (they will go...)
When the rain washes you clean you'll know...

Yeah, thunder only happens when it's raining
(Thunder only happens when it's...)
Players only love you when they're playing
(Players only love you when they're...)
Yeah, raptors they will come and they will go, (they will go...)
When the rain washes you clean you'll know...

You'll know, (the raptors are not so good,) you'll know, (remember t.rex is the best)
You'll know...

Fade out
from Honkie Tong, age 16, ?, ?, ?; December 11, 2000

You found that picture about Pachyhephalosaurus insulting? But its true that they would have killed each other if they had butted heads. Really ..., your denial of the facts only proves you to be more of a kid than a person who really know dinosaurs.

Oh yes, and I vote T.rex.
from Honkie Tong, age 16, ?, ?, ?; December 11, 2000

Tyrannosaurus Rex
from ?, age ?, ?, ?, ?; December 11, 2000

Oh gee, are you really so scared of Tyrannosaurus that you people have to pit 100 raptors against them? How fair is that? Anyway, we tend to forget that Tyrannosaurus also hunted in packs. In fact, WE have more EVDIENCE that Tyrannosaurus hunted in packs than we have for the raptors. Velociraptor was a certain loner and so were the other raptors save for Deinonychus. About Dino Warz. Yes, a T.rex could take out 20 raptors quite easily. Firstly, most of the raptors died when they leaped onto Sue and she decided to duck her legs and roll hard and fast, smashing them. The others are easy to take out. But seriously, in real life, one T.rex could take out 20 raptors. Whenever there are 100 raptors or more in the story, John Rambo or a machine gun totting Tinker will save the day.

And here are three facts.1 this is a vote for T.rex 2. I did not write dinowarz 3. You little story made you look very stupid.

I'd rather not argue with a fool. People might not know the difference...LOSER!
from Honkie Tong, age 16, ?, ?, ?; December 11, 2000

You found that picture about Pachyhephalosaurus insulting? But its true that they would have killed each other if they had butted heads. Really Joe Bob, your denial of the facts only proves you to be more of a kid than a person who really know dinosaurs.
from Honkie Tong, age 16, ?, ?, ?; December 11, 2000

Allright Honkie Tong,so maybe raptors were slower than T-rex. Still,I don't think that a very small amount of tyrannosaurs such as 1,2, or three could take on 20 to 100 raptors (or other dinosaurs) and survive,like you and your @#*&^%* friend Billy Mcdraw try to make out in YOUR stories. (I capitalised that because I can't use italics). Also,your artwork is very insulting,especially the "Truth about Pachysepholosaurus" picture. I'm not saying that you shoudldn't vote for tyrannosaurus. Also,here are two facts: 1:This is a vote for raptors. 2:I'm not sorry about my story (Though I must confess that it was pretty stupid).
from JOE BOB B., age 10, Menlo Park, California, ?; December 11, 2000


it looks cool with its sickle shape claw and agile body
from george f, age 8, ?, ?, ?; December 11, 2000

from ?, age ?, ?, ?, ?; December 11, 2000

Wow Lilian, I have never seen somebody utter Hokkien vulgarities online before. Anyway, here's a vote for Tyrannosaurus Rex.
from Honkie Tong, age 16, ?, ?, ?; December 11, 2000

from ?, age ?, ?, ?, ?; December 11, 2000

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